Mr. Crow
Weekly Assignments
Throughout the course of the semester, check this page for reminders about reading assignments, projects, and other class activities! The semester runs for 15 weeks and is split into different sections!
Introduction and Climate Facts
Weeks 1-3
Week 1:
Monday: Introduction, Coming-To Story Intro (What is your history?)
Wednesday: What is Climate Change? What are the facts?
General breakdown of climate change timeline
Student search for climate related catastrophes
Week 2:
Monday: Coming-To Stories
Share out in small groups (maybe full?)
How do we relate to climate change? What do we want to accomplish as a group?
Wednesday: Group brainstorming on potential causes/ entry points to care about
Week 3:
Monday: Group decision on climate action project
What is the project?
How can members of the class get involved?
What are some potential outcomes?
Wednesday: Introduction to The Marrow Thieves
What is the history of Native American persecution?
Alternate forms of storytelling
What unique perspective does a native lens add to the conversation on climate change?
The Marrow Thieves And Native Storytelling
Weeks 4-6
Week 4
Monday: Novel part 1: Up to Page 117
Context of Part 1
What does this new world look like?
What kind of structure does this story feature?
Wednesday: Novel Part 1: Up to Page 117
Character map
Coming to stories, present events, relationship web
Socratic discussion on events of first half
Week 5
Monday: Novel Part 2: 118-End
Context of Part 2
What connections can be made to modern climate activism?
Wednesday: Novel part 2: 118-End
Native Storytelling
Return to Coming To
Project Time on Action Project
Week 6
Monday: Group Projects on Element Within Story
Decide on topic area of interest
Group roles/responsibilities
Work time
Wednesday: Group Projects
Work Time
Finalize Project by midnight
Feed & Technology Consumption
Weeks 7-9
Week 7
Monday: Novel Part 1
Week 8
Monday: Novel Part 2
Week 9
Monday: Connections Between Novels
Action Project Work Week
Week 10
Week 10
Monday: Action Project
Wednesday: Action Project
Afterglow & Student Led Work
Weeks 11-13
Week 11
Monday: Introduction and Assignment
Decide on groups
Decide on Story selection (first come first serve)
Work Time
Wednesday: Presentation Work
Work time
Week 12
Monday: Presentation Work
Work Time
Wednesday: Presentations
Randomly Selected
Week 13
Monday: Presentations
Randomly Selected
Wednesday: Presentations
Randomly Selected
Action Project & End of Semester
Weeks 14-15
Week 14
Monday: Action Project
Work Time
Wednesday: Action Project
Work Time
Week 15
Monday: Action Project
Work Time
Wednesday: Action Project
End of Semester Celebration
Presentation of Action Project
Self Evaluation